Upgrade Your Digital Advertising Strategy with Retargeting

Targeting is a clever method to spread your ad to your ideal audience. Once may be enough to pique someone’s interest, but is it enough to persuade them to act? Repeated retargeting display your advertisements in front of your target audience so they can hear your message again. Retargeting advertisements are intended to remind people who have previously engaged with your firm about your message or product, prompting them to convert into contacts for your business and, eventually, buyers. Users that are already familiar with your brand and have visited your website are far more likely to respond to communications from you. 

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting is the process of showing advertisements to folks who have previously engaged with your business, whether by clicking on one of your ads or going to your website. Such a user may have looked at several different pages on your site but never completed a form or made a purchase. Now that the user has left, you might be able to get in. Retargeting is similar to remarketing, but it’s more advanced. It allows you to retarget your ads based on their activity on other websites using the same advertising platform. This can be a powerful tool for increasing brand recall and engagement through enhanced ad awareness.  

Google and Facebook advertising is the most common approach for implementing a retargeting strategy. The code that both platforms employ is installed on your website. Facebook refers to it as the Facebook pixel, whereas Google calls it the remarketing global site tag. All you have to do is copy and paste the code between the “<head>” tags on your website. You may retarget Facebook ads by using custom audiences, and your adverts will appear in a variety of locations on the Facebook platform. Google allows you to utilise retargeting audiences such as similar audiences, combined lists, or website visitors, and your advertisements can be seen on a number of websites across the Google display network.

What are the benefits of retargeting?

There are a variety of ways that retargeting may help your Google or Facebook ad campaign. 

Repetitive Exposure

The more time a consumer is exposed to your brand, the more likely they are to convert as they proceed through the decision-making process. 

Selective Targeting

Retargeting lists can be tailored to services or goods a person has looked at. For instance, you might show targeted advertisements to a user who left a specific product in their shopping basket rather than advertising your company more generally. 

Better ROI

Higher conversion rates result in a quicker return on investment and a lower cost per sale. 


Budget Control

You have complete control over your budget thanks to retargeting technologies like Facebook and Google.


If you’re generating a lot of traffic to your website but aren’t seeing the conversions you desire, it’s time to start using retargeting.