5 Ways to Ready Your Marketing Strategy for the Rise of Gen Z

It appears that marketers are just getting the hang of targeting Millennials, and now there’s a new generation on the block that cannot be ignored; Generation Z. While they may not appear all that different from their tech-loving predecessors, there are some significant differences that suggest they could be even more difficult to understand. 

So, who are Generation Zers? According to Pew Research, this is the newest generation. It’s the biggest in American history (with 27% of the population), the most ethnically diverse, and a generation that has never known a time without technology. What sets Generation Z apart from previous generations is how they have responded and incorporated technology.

Before you write off this generation as “not your target consumer,” keep in mind that 93 percent of parents claim that their Gen Z children have a significant impact on family purchasing decisions, including household items and major furniture pieces. It also means that regardless of who your target customer is, Generation Z should be taken into account when developing marketing and sales plans.

As a marketer for the Gen Z generation, I can personally attest to the substantial differences in how we use and engage with technology, as well as what we expect from companies. Here are some pointers on how to steer your marketing in the correct direction for this new generational group.


1.  Be Intentional with Ads

 The use of advertising has been proven to be effective in the past, and Generation Z will continue to be captivated by advertisements, however 60% of the generation thinks that ads are inconvenient.  What does this signify for you? This generation interacts with technology in a different way, as I previously stated. They’ve never known a world without technology, so they’re used to an overabundance of media from an early age.

If you recall the struggles of the Millennial 12-second attention span, you’ll be shocked to learn that the Generation Z attention span is less than that of a goldfish: it’s just 8 seconds. However, keep in mind that this generation is not attention-deficient; rather, it has an overabundance of focus. The term “8-second filter” has been used to describe Generation Z’s ability to evaluate information quickly and determine its quality and trustworthiness. In fact, they’re able to process information rapidly and assess its quality and trustworthiness in just seconds.

Generation Z is a unique breed: they are more tech-savvy, live in a global community, and are much more likely to utilize social media than previous generations. They’ve grown up surrounded by technology and understand how it influences their daily lives. Generation Z is more brand conscious than any other preceding generation and demands that companies understand who they are.

The majority of this age group prefers interactive content. Gen Zers are interested in interacting with companies online and, more specifically, in a customised way that enables them to choose the outcome. They’re often considered trendsetters who want to be in control of their own destiny. They are different from Millennials in that they prioritise individualism and self-expression over fitting in.

Utilising Customer Relationship Management solutions like HubSpot, for example, will help you tailor your marketing and sales strategy to this generation. Gen Zers want information that is tailored to what they are interested in as individuals rather than a group. Creating media strategies that focus on user-generated content is an excellent approach to engage Generation Z’s attention.


2.  Prioritise Mobile 

Generation Z is hyperconnected and has easy access to a wealth of information at their fingertips. Generation Z is adept at identifying trustworthy material after only seeing it for seconds (remember the 8-second filter).

More than 60% of the generation will abandon a location if it takes more than three seconds to load or is difficult to navigate, and this is especially critical with mobile devices. With over 70% of individuals making online purchases with their mobile phones, you risk losing their attention quickly if your site isn’t designed for a mobile experience.

Most Gen Zers are researchers. Many users will compare items and services using several devices at the same time. Even in physical locations, they’ll use their phones to look for comparable goods for less or seek discount coupons. This implies that you may need to modify your marketing approach to meet their demands. They want information first, discounts second.


3.  Dive into Video Content

Generation Z spends the majority of its time online. They stream videos on YouTube every day, with over 60% of them using streaming services rather than cable television. Despite spending an average of 10 hours each day online, Gen Z prefers to talk with friends and family in person rather than via messaging. Companies may use the video material to take advantage of this shift in preferred communication.

Create videos that demonstrate how goods or services are utilized. To get your material in front of Generation Z, use video commercials on YouTube, social media platforms, and other streaming sites. Even if they skip the ad, you’ll be on their mind.

4.  Be Transparent 

Consider this…a generation that is so dependent on the internet also places less trust in it when it comes to their personal information. With many cases of privacy breaches and data leaks, it’s no surprise that just 30% of Generation Zers say they are comfortable sharing personal information with businesses without knowing how or why it will be used. Customers search the internet to learn more about a product before they buy it in order to make better purchasing decisions. This means they may continue to stay in the awareness stage of the buyer journey longer and frequently bounce from one site to another looking for the greatest deals and specials.

What does this signify for you? Being honest about the product or service will help you avoid losing their attention. According to a poll, 60% of Generation Z respondents said the price was the most important element in selecting a certain manufacturer. Overall, this generation is less brand loyal than previous ones, but it will remain loyal to a company that can demonstrate that


5.  Build an Inbound Approach 

Generation Z is the most demanding generation, with a lot of high-quality and creative content that they seek. Generational blind spots are one of their most pressing concerns. An inbound approach, like it was for Millennials, will be the greatest technique to attract and cultivate loyalty among Generation Z. Inbound marketing is defined as a strategy that attracts consumers

Gen Z is interested in unique and participatory content, as I noted above. Consider adding a chatbot on your site to assist them in their search. Keep in mind that they are researchers by nature. When they visit a website, this generally indicates that they already know what they’re searching for.

In conclusion, Generation Z has already become an important economic force, and their aggregate purchasing power should not be overlooked. The good news is that they are just now starting to graduate from college and join the workforce, implying you have some time to begin developing your Gen Z targeted advertising. Create some buyer personas and start getting to know the Gen Zers relevant to your market.