SEO Exclusivity Checker

Check If You’re Eligible for Our SEO Location Exclusivity

SEO Location Exclusivity

SEO Location Exclusivity

If you’re looking to reach the No.1 position on Google’s or Bing’s Search Engine Results, you may have noticed a huge amount of competition in your market. But did you know you may also be facing competition within your current marketing company!?

SEO Location Exclusivity means we will not work with any other companies in your industry area with an exception to the adult, pharma and gambling industries.

Why is this important? For us, it comes down to two main factors.

  1. It’s just plain unethical. If your SEO company decides to work with two limo companies for example in Melbourne, how can they guarantee that they will put in the same amount of effort in getting both companies to rank? Does it just come down to who is paying more? This is obviously not going to be good for you, because there is only one top spot!
  1. Search Engine Optimisation isn’t magic, but rather hard work and compliance. We don’t magically create traffic, that traffic is effectively taken from your competitor. The SEO company would be essentially competing against themselves, at the expense of you!

You deserve to have an SEO marketing team that is 100% committed to getting you to rank and to have their full attention and commitment. It would be completely counterproductive to have an SEO company that is helping your competition.