How to Get to Page One of Google

Getting ranked on page 1 of Google searches is the holy grail of SEO.

Why is this so significant? How about a statistic? The first page of Google search engine results receives over 90% of all clicks from users. So, now that we’ve established the significance of achieving to the top of Google, let’s discuss how to do it!

Let’s start our discussion about how to rank on Google and good SEO with this…. The Google algorithm is TOP SECRET, so you should be wary of anyone claiming to know how it works. There is no trick to achieving the top of Google’s search results. However, there are techniques that may be utilised based on what Google has stated about what they like to see, and perhaps more importantly, what they don’t!

If you want to get started learning about SEO, start with understanding what Google’s goal is. Google’s objective is simply to give users of its search engine the best quality, most relevant information possible. It’s that simple. So, in order to generate high-quality, relevant content, you must first understand what Google thinks high-quality content is as well as what it is not. 

Panda and Penguin 

There have been several significant changes to the Google algorithm throughout the last two years. These are known as “Panda” – 2011 and “Penguin” – 2012. If we look at what these updates accomplished, it will provide us with excellent advice on how to produce content that Google may consider “high quality.”

Panda was designed to target sites and pages with duplicate content. Duplicated material is defined as websites that have comparable information, as well as those that provide little if any fresh material. “Thin” content can be characterised by anything that is insufficiently long, vague, and error-riddled.

Penguin, on the other hand, was created to combat various “tricks” that people have used to artificially inflate the apparent worth of their website. Keyword stuffing and paying for inbound links from companies that charge a fee are two excellent examples.

Both of these updates are designed to eliminate low-quality material while also pushing high-quality sites up the rankings. Google is clearly communicating that quality site content will be a major consideration in future rankings.

“Reputation” was previously much more important than it is now. Reputation was calculated based on how many sites linked to a specific page/site. This “reputation” hypothesis dates back to Google’s founding. The original algorithm was founded on research papers’ study findings. It appears reasonable, doesn’t it?

In principle, this is a good idea. However, because people figured out how to generate artificial back links and use them to influence results, the quality of search results was harmed. Google is elevating the significance of high-quality content and punishing sites for low-quality material and techniques used to bias the algorithm in order to deter deceptive reputation. Reputation is still important, but reputation through deception will be punished.

So how do you get to page 1 of Google? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Write articles that are actually helpful to readers. It’s easy to see that a search engine that provides the greatest content is preferable than one that returns trash. Over time, Google has committed itself to providing its users with the best possible information. That’s practically a given.

Create content on a regular basis. With time, much of the material produced becomes irrelevant. Google prefers fresh material, so keep at it! Writing a single high-quality page is wonderful; writing 100 is fantastic! (hint: consider blogging!)

When you’re writing, develop a keyword strategy. Write relevant material that people will look for and make sure the keywords you want to rank on are present naturally within the content.

and finally…

“Don’t be evil,” like Google’s (unofficial) mission statement says… “You won’t get away with anything if you play by the rules.” Tricks will lead to a penalty, and Google is cracking down.


Good Luck!