How to Make Your Homepage Optimised

After you have devised a winning SEO strategy and planned to market your company online, you need to examine if you are truly doing everything that you can to reach your audience. Your efforts may be bringing in traffic to your site, but are you making sure that they are engaged by what they find on your site and that your site is appealing to those who land there. Is your site enough to turn visitors into customers? Your homepage is going to be most people’s introduction to your website. They may go off onto other pages, but the homepage is their path to everything else. This is going to be your most visited page ever, and you need to make sure that it is meticulously designed to reach your customers effectively. You want to start with a good first impression. Every piece of that page needs to have been carefully thought out and planned. Here is what you need to consider when making it.

Your Page’s Headline

Your homepage’s headline works as its title, and it will be the first thing to catch your visitors’ eyes. The headline should only be about 6-12 words long. That’s not a lot, but a lot of thought needs to go into it. Studies have shown that a well-written headline can greatly increase your site’s conversion rates. Creating the perfect headline may be a bit easier than you realise. You should not be writing for everyone who comes to your site. Instead, focus on the ones who are most likely to buy something. You can start by writing a few test headlines. Don’t get rid of any idea just yet. You can examine the best ones and even use parts from other ones you aren’t as happy with o make up the final, perfect headline. Think of your headline as the answer to the question, “What can this site do for me?”

The Benefits of Using Your Site

The headline draws in some visitors long enough for them to read some of the first paragraph. The next part of your content need sot held them there and get them more invested in what you have to offer. You can do that by showing your visitors what the site can do for them. You want to let them know what your product do for them that other, similar products are not able to. Make a case for your company and what you have to offer. You want to focus on making your pitch simple and clear. Don’t try to throw your customers off what you really have to offer at this point.

Call Your Customers to Action

You may have captured your visitors’ attention and go them interested in what you have to offer. Now you need to give them a way to buy or use that great product or service. Make it very clear what they need to do to become a customer and buy what you have to offer. You can do this by creating a clickable button on the page. This can lead your visitors from one part of the site to anywhere else, bringing them one step closer to buying something. There are many different ways to create a call to action, but you need to consider where you are placing such a call, how big and intrusive it looks and even what colour it is.

Use Visual Appeal

The people who visit your page are more likely to respond to images than anything else. Images immediately convey information and make large portions of text more appealing. You can use still images or videos to bring eyes to your page and keep their interest. You only want to use relevant images though. Consider making your own photos or hiring a professional to create them. Stock photos usually don’t have the same impact.

Making Your Business a Success

Many of the people who come to your site are searching for a reason to buy anything from you. They want to save their money or use a product they already know and are familiar with. You have to get past their reservations and give them powerful reasons for choosing what you have to offer over the competition. You are going to have to build a level of trust with them to make it work. One way to do that is to use word of mouth and positive reviews. You can post these types of comments on your page to build up trust and make your page seem more authoritative and appealing. Society really values the opinions of other people, especially those that do not seem affiliated with what is being sold or advertised.

Clean It Up

Your homepage needs to be clean and clear. There should not be a lot of useless or confusing information on the page. You may be tempted to give customers all the information you think they will need up front, but consider what is really necessary and try not to overwhelm them. Make your page simple and easy to navigate. This is just as vital as making great content. Take some time to design your homepage and decide how it is going to look when it is finally implemented. If you aren’t happy with the design, then your customers probably won’t be any more interested in it.

Make an Impression

Your homepage, if it is to be effective, needs to give your visitors clear and concise information. It should detail what your company is about, what you can do for them and why they should use your company over any others. The guidelines above should help you achieve that with your homepage. You can use them to modify what you already have and improve it until your homepage really shines. Give your homepage the attention it needs to make a great impression. If your homepage doesn’t measure up, you are going to lose a lot of potential traffic. Keep in mind that even the tiniest details matter when it comes to your homepage, so make sure it is all perfect.