SEO Rules for Website Designers

There are times when web designers forget that SEO isn’t something you add on after the project is finished. To get the greatest outcomes, SEO should be incorporated into the design process from the start.

Creating your new website is an exciting milestone in increasing your online presence. Designers previously may have only focused on the aesthetics of a website project before. Another vital element is demanding that website designers pay greater attention to the finer details of their work: search engine optimisation (SEO). A website’s organic position is determined by how well it performs in search engine results. When your potential consumers seek information about products or services similar to yours, designing a website with SEO as a primary goal might help your site show up higher in search engine results, improving its chance of being discovered. We’ll provide SEO recommendations to help you get noticed

Make a Sitemap and a Basic Navigation Structure

Creating a clear, simple navigation structure is one of the first steps toward optimising a website. Site visitors rely on your navigation to take them around the site and provide top-tier organisation for your content. Creating a sitemap and laying out your page structure before creating any pages can assist you in determining how the site will flow as a whole and choosing the best way to arrange the information so that it may be efficiently indexed by search engines.

Recognise the Importance of Load Time

If a website’s loading screen prevents users from seeing a beautifully created website page, they may never see one. According to research, 11% of people bounce from a web page that takes three seconds to load, and 38% abandon it after five seconds. By seven seconds in, more than half of the audience has abandoned. It’s critical that all images and design elements be optimised to load quickly and effectively to provide a smooth user experience, even fractions of seconds count.

Check the sizes of your files to optimise them. Large files take longer to load; compressing files (while maintaining image quality) may help pages load faster.

Use Descriptive Alt Tags

It’s also critical to include descriptive alt text when optimising photos. Although users don’t have access to the alt tags, search engines that scan your website rely on these descriptions to figure out what’s in your photographs and how they fit into your material. The easier a search engine can understand and index your website’s content, including the pictures, the better optimised your site will be.

Design with Mobile in Mind

Users now demand a similar—or even superior—online experience on their mobile devices, according to most experts. You may pick whether to concentrate your website design just on the mobile experience depending on your target audience. Regardless, ensuring that your website components function flawlessly on both mobile and desktop is critical to a positive user experience. In addition, a responsive website broadens your pool of visitors by making your site more accessible across devices, allowing you to generate leads in new ways.

Prioritise the User Experience

A website’s user experience is only as good as the information it contains. Certain design trends come and go, but presenting information in a clear and consumable format has long been a key component of website success. It’s vital to note that the user experience is built with the proper page layout, narrative, links, and visual hints in mind. To give your website visitors the best possible experience, pay attention to all of these aspects.

Set Up Tracking and Analytics

It’s always beneficial to understand how well your website is performing, and it’s especially helpful to see how your design components impact that on a page level. The key to a successful design is preparation. This helps you make more informed decisions about the design and makes changes as necessary.

Do you want assistance designing or building your new website? We have specialists on staff that specialise in website design, creation, and SEO optimisation to assist you in creating a beautiful website that assists you in meeting your digital marketing objectives. Contact us right away to learn more about our services!